Madelyn Allen, a missing Utah college student, was discovered alive and ‘buried in coal’ in basement.

Madelyn Allen, a missing Utah college student, was discovered alive and 'buried in coal' in basement.


In an affidavit, it states: “Brent Brown was arrested, and he’s been charged with obstruction of the law, kidnapping, rape, object rape and other crimes.” Madelyn Allen, the victim, has since been reunited with her family and has been able to go home again. The affidavit gives a lot of disturbing information about Allen’s kidnapping. In the affidavit, it is said that she met Brown in an online chat group.


The day that Madelyn went missing, Brown picked her up and took her to Loa, which is 87 miles from her school. On December 14, Madelyn’s parents got a text from her phone in which Madelyn expressed her love for her parents, but did not give any more information. They became concerned. Her parents called Verizon to get more information, and they were told that the text had been sent near Loa.


Madelyn’s phone pinged in Loa


Another piece of information law enforcement found out about Madelyn was that her phone pinged in Loa, so they started looking in the town. The affidavit says that she was being held in a “coal storage area” in the basement of the home. She was “naked and covered in coal,” Investigators also found that Madelyn’s hair had been cut and that “she looked dirty.” The affidavit says that a gun was found in the basement and that Brown had three knives when he was arrested.


Investigators say he told them that after he picked up Madelyn, he turned her phone off. To let Madelyn talk to her parents, he gave it back to her once, but only to let her text her parents. The investigators wrote in the affidavit that Brown said he took the phone back from Madelyn and didn’t let her use her phone again. Allegedly, Brown said he would tie up Madelyn and leave her food when he went to work.


Madelyn texted her parents and said “I love you”. Madelyn’s parents spoke during a news conference on Sunday that Madelyn has a long way to go to get better. Madelyn mother said: “We pray for our sweet Maddie as she moves forward that she can find hope and happiness and joy in her future.”